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Toria VioletMoon

Toria has  worked in the Holistic and Healing therapy field since 2006: Therapies including Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Intuitive Holistic Massage, Deep Tissue/ Advanced Massage, Reiki and Energy Healing. She gained a BSc Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Therapies at Middlesex University. Deepening her practice into one that relates to the elemental aspects of food and personal constitution, encouraging others to live in alignment with natures cycles, moon cycles and astrological transits  


She is an Energy Healer on the Celtic Shamanic path and healing with trees. Attuned to various tree energies and working closely with Tree, Plant and Animal Spirits alongside Moon healing and Violet Flame Energy Healing

Toria is passionate about natural, empowered and holistic womens health, pregnancy, childbirth and post natal care and applies this to her work.


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