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Solar Eclipse

Violet Moon Astrology Service

Personalised Astrological Charts and Reports

Astrology can help us to gain an insight into our natural strengths and any challenges or tensions in the chart.


By working with the natal chart we can see where certain planetary energies show up and delve deep into our psyche. This can work as a guide to understanding ourselves or others.

The natal chart can show us how to approach various areas of our lives giving us confidence to tap into our innate gifts.  


Astrology is not just based on the sun sign but many different placements and aspects telling a unique story 



Astrology Natal (Birth) Chart Consultation

The consultation can be in person or online via Zoom or Skype (if it is not possible to attend in person)

Prior to commencing chart analysis, the following pieces of information are needed


  • Birth Date

  • Birth Time (ideally exact birth time- hospital records may have this)

  • Birth Location

  • Any specific themes that you would like to look into

On receipt of this I will analyse the chart before our meeting so main points can be discussed. 

The initial session will last approximately 90 minutes. We will explore the natal chart together looking at the major placements and aspects and what ongoing themes have been present throughout the life so far.

90 Minutes Consultation online or in-person looking at the natal chart



Booking and Enquiries



Solar Return Themes

(Year Predictions)

Predictive astrology

Using details from the natal chart and planetary positions and aspects for any given year from the birthday onwards to highlight key themes, potential challenges and likely events for a twelve month cycle reading 



Bookings and Enquiries



Astrology Testimonials:


''Having previously had a natal chart compiled, I was sceptical of the advantages of having another produced. I have however, not been disappointed!

Toria has shown herself to be a true master of her craft, demonstrating unparalleled expertise in her understanding of the subtle interactions between the different influences presented. The hugely in-depth analysis and conclusions she has drawn up give an uncannily accurate depiction of my character, breathing fresh insight into my natural strengths and weaknesses.

Not only do I believe that her work has given me a greater understanding of myself, I feel that I now have the knowledge to assist me in my personal development and to push further in many aspects of my life. My chart has provided me with a toolbox for personal and spiritual development and I would highly recommend that anybody looking to achieve the same undertake her services.

Outstanding work!''

Paul Michalke, MK



''Toria is a rare gem. Someone with wisdom beyond her years, skills in abundance and deep insight

into what makes us tick. I’ve been receiving a range treatments for some years from Toria and she

has been a big part of my personal and spiritual development and growth but I hadn’t engaged at all

with her interest in astrology. As a sceptic and a scientist I was hesitant but thought I’d ‘go with’ and

explore it. After all, ancient wisdom is borne of the human condition and many millennia’s worth of

accumulated experience so perhaps there is something in it? I gave Toria some specific details and

she got back in touch a couple of weeks later with a wad of documentation comprising my natal

astrological chart, outlining a whole range of aspects and tendencies to my personality. Reading it I

felt like someone had peered into my soul and pulled out all the good stuff about what makes me

me. There was a fair bit of ‘areas for improvement’ too. Actually, in this respect it was less like a

school report and more a cautionary tale. The areas that are vulnerabilities and susceptibilities were

outlined in depth and it gave me pause for thought about elements to my personality and character

that I’d never considered before. Perhaps areas I’d not wanted to consider. Either way, it proved to

be fascinating reading. Toria expertly talked me through my natal chart (with a refreshing lack of

‘woo woo’) taking time to explain the foundations of the insights, what they were derived from with

a reassuring amount of detail. This was an enriching experience and one I reflect back on a lot. I fully

intend to refer back to Toria’s wisdom for many years to come and can’t recommend her enough.''


Vincent G, Milton Keynes

''I had my birthchart written up by Toria and was very pleased with the accuracy and how it was presented. I wholeheartedly resonated with the descriptions given. Highly recommended!''


Terri, London

Toria VioletMoon

Toria has learnt Astrology and Magick all her life coming from a pagan background and uses this in combination with healing and therapies with her clients as a complete programme. Working intuitively alongside the accuracy of precise and detailed Astrological observations

She is an Energy Healer on the Celtic Shamanic path and healing with trees. Attuned to various tree energies and working closely with Tree, Plant and Animal Spirits alongside Moon healing and Violet Flame Energy Healing


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